Hi All

The Purpose of this blog is to keep me honest and provide a personal bible study to help prepare me for the Mississippi River trip. For the trip to be success full I need to be spending time with the Lord and in his word. I will be posting what I have learned through out the week. If you do read it, I hope it's useful for you. I will not be worrying too much about Spelling and grammar because this shows my true person. Their is no pretense hear, this is part of my struggle and that is why I am doing the trip in the first place.

God Bless, Brian

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Crossing America

On the horizon, I for see a taking on an other long distance bike trip. I am think of going from Seattle Washington  east over 3000 miles to Quebec City Candida. This would effectively make the upright of a cross and the trip I completed the summer 20011 from north to south the arms. Every facet of the Christian faith points to the work done on the cross and I want like to due the same with my sort existence. After completing the first trip, I realized how imparitive a goal or purpose is in the success and joy found in compleation and the stringent required in pushing threw the hard and long days. So the purpose of the trip is to partern with a ministry and raise money for missionary's. I have been gided to that I will work and save to found the trip and all the money raised will help found  missionary's. I am exsited where the Lord might take on how is a joyful giver. This sermon has been helpful in this area I hope you may as well.
Christmas Joy Vs. the Kirchensteuer

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This Weeks Quest

Willie I was looking at different seminary options, I stumbled along this apologetics video.
TheMessianicDrew Apologetics
On Monday nights I have been attending apologetic class. This class help me see and know the biblical  base to what I believe. Threw this revelational knowledge has increased my faith, and faith comes by hearing and therefor emboldens to speak truth to others. On a day to day basis I see conversion and ministry being more reverent by being submissive to Lord and what he has place on your hart to learn  know that day. It should be an out-flowing of the holy spirit that soften our harts and confess your hope and subsequently the harts of  other.
Make A Case For Your Hope
God Created Us for His Glory

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It is Spring I am back in action

It is now spring and I have not been able to get much work done on the book. This is in part due to work, but mainly lake of of priority. I have resolved to put this first this summer. I would like to share why I have come to conclusion. First and for most Christ is the point, the start, the end and the purpose. This realty has been made more clear by the ministry of John Piper and Desiring God. This winter I started going threw his old sermons from 1980 to present. I am going to bee more faithful to the weekly Herald by putting audio sermons that have really spoken to me and heedfully reach your hart. 

This weeks sermon gives resign for faith in believing in God and makes chase for evangelising.
Make a Case for Your Hope