Hi All

The Purpose of this blog is to keep me honest and provide a personal bible study to help prepare me for the Mississippi River trip. For the trip to be success full I need to be spending time with the Lord and in his word. I will be posting what I have learned through out the week. If you do read it, I hope it's useful for you. I will not be worrying too much about Spelling and grammar because this shows my true person. Their is no pretense hear, this is part of my struggle and that is why I am doing the trip in the first place.

God Bless, Brian

Friday, July 20, 2012

Boulder Co.

This mount has been marked by the changing of plans. On Friday July 13 I found myself on the way to Bonva Vista with the intent of climbing M.T. Harvard, rather then in Creed to see a play a the respiratory theater. From there I headed to Boulder and directly from Boulder I am heading to Durango. This is all well and good to be flexible, but all the change of plans this mount makes me wonder what my motives might be.  Is this a result  of God  planting my foot steeps up on the path that is very different than my mind planed. This  makes me wonder if all my crazy adventures are in vane or if my need to take every thing on is stopping me from moving forward. I could see the latter being true. The Lord has given me the passion for adventure and that gives me joy, so there for I do not seeing adventuring being the problem. Rather the seeds of this joy are sped too thin and yielding a usable crop to be gather.

Incredible Love Well this brings me back to Boulder, The purpose of this venture was to visit friends, help move a friend, and explore boulder for jobs and cycle mobility. Wile Boulder has a wide economic base and wile he the bike trails  are extensive, I new this is not were I am being call. This is a good thing to find this out. I have never been so existed to to get back to the slower pace of the cool mountain air. I do know that I am being called to make big decisions and move to a bigger city progress forward. When I say making big  decisions I mean limit my options and quell my desire to do everything. This will allow me to be more settled and plant for the Lords harvest. The options might look like ministry work, sound engineering, or therapeutic gardening. I have been able to come to these conclusions as a result of the best part of Boulder and that was a church called the Well. The church was stated by the youth past from my home church, there mission is to build a comity of loving believers to reach the city of Boulder. I enjoyed the eclectic music and the sermon lead me to more faith and how to make decisions. It showed me my desire for supremacy in therms of correctness and this result in the fear of not being able to due all the things that I want to due in my time. For some reason I think this desire will bring be contentment, but in reality this will fail and I will let myself, others, and the Lord in the void I am trying to fill. Fear inhibits love and in the end love is more eternal  correctness because it brings people to repentance and to the fold of Christ, with lead to life. Hear is the link to this knowledge.
Incredible Love