Hi All

The Purpose of this blog is to keep me honest and provide a personal bible study to help prepare me for the Mississippi River trip. For the trip to be success full I need to be spending time with the Lord and in his word. I will be posting what I have learned through out the week. If you do read it, I hope it's useful for you. I will not be worrying too much about Spelling and grammar because this shows my true person. Their is no pretense hear, this is part of my struggle and that is why I am doing the trip in the first place.

God Bless, Brian

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This week the Lord gave me both spiritual and physical work. The physical work met my tangible needs wile the spiritual work fed my sole and gave me the adrenaline of God, that lasted all week. Early in the week I had the opportunity to go up to Denver and help a friend retrieve some car parts from a junk yard. On the way back we got stuck in traffic so we pulled of and went to a bar to let the traffic lesson. All the way back I was trying to think of a way to talk to him about Christ But miraculously the conversation drifted there on its own. The process of salvation is only on Gods time and I praise him for this. This was the first point in time were I was able to speak truth on a deep level, with out the aid of my great Gunnison spiritual community. This community prepared me to be bold and speak truth any where. When some one is searching for salvation it is a joyous experience. Through this experience the Lord showed me how expansive the revelations of Gods teachings are in our life and no matter were we stand with him there is always something new beyond our knowledge. We could spend our hole life seeking Him and never understand him. Maybe this is why we have eternity with him in heaven?

Worship is a state of connection with the Father. We worship in different ways but to be worshiping we must focus our mind and senses on the Lord our Father. I think we have the capacity to worship for a long period of time and, for me when this happens I reach a state of flow. This dose not mean every aspect of life is perfect but daily tasks dove-tail together seamlessly, and seam to have a greater purpose with more meaning. Wednesday was a day like this, I had planned on riding around Colorado Springs and work on the sponsorship for the trip. As I walk out the door a received a call about some work that was near were I was already heading and after that I met up with a friend that owns Colorado Springs Bike Shop, and had a great conversation about my plans. During the meting a friend called a said that there was a Bible study near where I was and was able to go. The Bible study is at night, and I can not drive at night and I usually can not attend. This is the tangible flow I am speaking of. This dose not happen every day but it seams more prevalent when I am in a state of worship. If I do not reach a flow state I do not believe He is punishing us because we are not worshiping enough or in the right way, it is just a blessing when life works seamlessly. This dose raise the question how dose the father teach us and discipline us and were dose the aspect of free will and attitude come in to play? I will let you ponder these thoughts.

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